The Henry System
Much of the beginning
material of Smilie Chatter will center on John Smilie (1741-1812). Soon though, I’ll be randomly telling stories
about members of the family in the many branches of the family. You need to be able to follow where the
person fits in the family.
The Henry numbering system
has always been my choice for numbering descendants. It is simple and direct. First born is number 1, second born is 2. When you exceed 9 children, number 10 becomes
‘A’, number 11 becomes ‘B’, etc.
Although I don’t have
birth dates for John Smilie’s daughters, we do have a birth date for his son
Robert, 6 July 1767. Women generally
married at younger ages than the men and Mary's children were older than her sister Jane's, so I have worked under the premise that
Robert was the first born, Mary was second born, and Jane was the third child.
The three children of John
Smilie get numbered:
1 Robert Porter
2 Mary Smilie
3 Jane Smilie
The grandchildren of John
Smilie get numbered:
1 Robert Porter
+ Mary Ann Beatty
11 John
William Smilie
Robert Porter Smilie
14 Mary
Ann ‘Polly’ Smilie
15 James
P. Smilie
16 baby boy Smilie
16 baby boy Smilie
17 Jane
18 David
Porter Smilie
19 Isaiah Marshall Smilie
2 Mary Smilie
+ Joseph Huston
21 Jane
22 Sarah
3 Jane Smilie
+ William Craig
31 John
Smilie Craig
The number tells you
something about the subject’s number; for example my number is 3151123.
3 third child Jane Smilie, daughter
31 first child John Smilie Craig, grandson
315 fifth child William Craig, great grandson
3151 first
child Mary Elizabeth Craig, 2nd
great granddaughter
31511 first child Harry Russell Rankin, 3rd great
315112 second child Clara Mae Rankin, 4th great
3151123 third child Edward
Black, 5th great grandson
Counting the number of
units tells you how many generations I am from John Smilie. If you know your number you can calculate the
relationship to another member of the family.
Wayne Feaster, the first president of the John and Jane Porter Smilie
Family Association, was 21B3B
2 second child Mary
Smilie, daughter
21 first child Jane
Huston, granddaughter
21B eleventh child Sarah
Bryson Marshall, great granddaughter
21B3 third child William Bryson Feaster, 2nd great grandson
21B3B eleventh child Wayne Feaster, 3rd great
Comparing our numbers the
relationship can be described.
2 sisters/siblings 3
21 cousins 31
21B second cousins 315
21B3 third cousins 3151
21B3B fourth cousins 31511
(once removed) 315112
(twice removed 3151123
Wayne and I were fourth
cousins twice removed.
We have stopped using the Henry System and now use the D'Aboville numbering system. D'Aboville places a decimal point after each number which allows us to use a numeral for each individual regardless of how many children were born to the parents; a 12th child is now ".12.", not "B"