Thursday, June 18, 2015

Pennsylvania’s Revolution

Pennsylvania had been created in 1681 by a charter given to William Penn by King Charles II. This gave Penn and his descendants ‘Proprietorship’ or ownership of the government and all of the land of the colony, which they sold to the arriving settlers.  There was an elected Assembly but as the colony grew in numbers and westward expansion, and diversity of nationalities and religion, the membership never accomplished what we would call ‘reapportionment’.

This resulted in an Assembly dominated by Quakers and Philadelphia interests which, while it had sent delegates to the Second Continental Congress, had instructed those delegates not to support rebellion.

When the Proprietary Assembly meeting in the Pennsylvania State House concluded its business on June 14, 1776, it intended to return on August 26.  It never did.

An assortment of groups throughout the colonies, known as ‘committees of correspondence’, ‘committees of safety’, or the Sons of Liberty maintained organized opposition to oppressive British measures.

Our John Smilie was elected by Drumore Township to the Lancaster County Committee of Correspondence in 1775.

Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia, about 1 ½ block east of the Pennsylvania State House (Independence Hall), was the meeting place of the Pennsylvania Provincial Conference, June 18 – 25, 1776

The committees of Pennsylvania assembled at Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia, June 18, 1776 and remained in session until the 25th.  John was one of the delegates from Lancaster County.

Some of the results of the meeting:
·       Declared the Proprietary government ended
·       Instructed Pennsylvania’s delegates to the Second Continental Congress to support independence
·       Set about forming a new state constitution
·       Began raising 6,000 men for the Continental Army 

The following links give detail to the event:

PA Museum Commission

Independence Hall Association/

Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, vol.58, issue 4, October, 1934

Edgar Williams/Philadelphia Inquirer

disclosure:  Edgar Williams (1919 – 1999), the senior writer at the Philadelphia Inquirer when he retired in January 1989, continued to write a weekly column and special interest pieces until his death.  He was Edward Black's father-in-law.

Header: left, Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia, photo by Davidt8, via Wikimedia Commons
center, Congress Hall, Philadelphia, House of Representatives Chamber, National Park Service photo
right, Grave of John Smilie, Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC, photo by Robert C. Keller

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Family Numbering System appearing in Smilie Chatter

The Henry System
Much of the beginning material of Smilie Chatter will center on John Smilie (1741-1812).  Soon though, I’ll be randomly telling stories about members of the family in the many branches of the family.  You need to be able to follow where the person fits in the family.

The Henry numbering system has always been my choice for numbering descendants.  It is simple and direct.  First born is number 1, second born is 2.  When you exceed 9 children, number 10 becomes ‘A’, number 11 becomes ‘B’, etc.

Although I don’t have birth dates for John Smilie’s daughters, we do have a birth date for his son Robert, 6 July 1767.  Women generally married at younger ages than the men and Mary's children were older than her sister Jane's, so I have worked under the premise that Robert was the first born, Mary was second born, and Jane was the third child.

The three children of John Smilie get numbered:
          1       Robert Porter Smilie
          2       Mary Smilie
          3       Jane Smilie

The grandchildren of John Smilie get numbered:
          1       Robert Porter Smilie
                   + Mary Ann Beatty
              11    John Smilie
              12    William Smilie
              13     Robert Porter Smilie
              14     Mary Ann ‘Polly’ Smilie
              15     James P. Smilie
              16     baby boy Smilie
              17     Jane Smilie
              18     David Porter Smilie
              19     Isaiah Marshall Smilie

          2       Mary Smilie
                   + Joseph Huston
              21     Jane Huston
              22     Sarah Huston

          3       Jane Smilie
                   + William Craig
              31     John Smilie Craig

The number tells you something about the subject’s number; for example my number is 3151123.

3                 third child  Jane Smilie, daughter
31               first child   John Smilie Craig, grandson
315             fifth child   William Craig, great grandson
3151           first child   Mary Elizabeth Craig, 2nd great granddaughter
31511         first child   Harry Russell Rankin, 3rd great grandson
315112       second child  Clara Mae Rankin, 4th great granddaughter
3151123     third child  Edward Black, 5th great grandson

Counting the number of units tells you how many generations I am from John Smilie.  If you know your number you can calculate the relationship to another member of the family.  Wayne Feaster, the first president of the John and Jane Porter Smilie Family Association, was 21B3B

2                 second child        Mary Smilie, daughter
21               first child   Jane Huston, granddaughter
21B            eleventh child     Sarah Bryson Marshall, great granddaughter
21B3          third child  William Bryson Feaster, 2nd great grandson
21B3B        eleventh child     Wayne Feaster, 3rd great grandson

Comparing our numbers the relationship can be described.

2                 sisters/siblings              3
21               cousins                         31
21B            second cousins             315
21B3          third cousins                 3151
21B3B        fourth cousins              31511
                   (once removed)            315112
                   (twice removed            3151123

Wayne and I were fourth cousins twice removed.