Friday, February 27, 2015

John’s Probate moves to completion

Robert Porter Smilie’s Death - October 16, 1851

        On Tuesday 16th ult. Mr. Robert Smilie, Sr., of Tyrone township in the 84 year of his life.
          Mr. Smilie was born July 6th, 1767; his father, Mr. John Smilie, emigrated from Lancaster County in the year 1781, when the deceased was a boy only 14 years old.  From that time to the period of his death he resided on the same farm.  One of the early settlers of this county, he endured the privations and sufferings incident to a pioneer life.  He was respected and esteemed by all who knew him. For the last twenty years he was a consistent and pious member of the Methodist Protestant Church and at length full of years and of hope, he laid down his life in peace, leaving a widow and eight children with a numerous circle of friend and acquaintances to mourn his loss. 
           ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.’[i] 

From John’s will

"and after the death of the said Robert Smilie I do hereby request order and empower the said [trustees] Presley Carr Lane, Isaac Griffin and Joseph Huston and the survivors or survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such survivor to sell ... all the tract of land ... and to pay and divide the same equally to and Among all my Grand Children then living ...”[ii]

Presley Carr Lane, Isaac Griffin and Joseph Huston were all deceased and for some reason there were no survivors, Executors, or Administrators able to function on behalf of the trustees.

Pennsylvania General Assembly 1852

This impasse was resolved by a private bill passed by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania, Laws of 1852 No. 211[iii]

This enabled the appointment of an Administrator who then would be able to sell the property and make the distribution to the Grandchildren of John Smilie.

 Fayette County Pennsylvania
Orphans Court Proceedings[iv]

Robert’s son, Robert (1805 – 1876) was appointed administrator of John’s estate.  He devised a plan to sell the estate in 6 parcels. Stewert Strickler purchased the four larger units and two Smilie grandchildren each purchased land along the Youghiogheny River.  Sarah Huston Dawson and her second husband, George Dawson, purchased about 60 acres, and James P. Smilie’s parcel was about 16 acres.  When James Smilie left for Illinois he sold his land to cousin Sarah and George Dawson.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court 1853

Capital for investment or pay off debt?  We don’t know why Mary Ann Smilie and her husband George Shallenberger sold her inheritance rights to John’s estate, but they did.  Then Mary Ann tried to get her inheritance back, and at first was successful in the Fayette County courts, but the decision was appealed to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court where she lost her case. 

“Smilie’s Estate” 1853[v]

Distribution of the Estate
The auditor’s distribution names all of the adult grandchildren of John Smilie including the spouses of the Smilie granddaughters, but not the spouses of the Huston granddaughters.

Distribution to the Grandchildren[vi]

Combining the information from the Will with the probate proceedings this is what we know.

John Smilie’s wife, Jane, is named in the Will

John Smilie had three children. It is assumed that Jane is the mother of all his children. Histories state that she is, the family Bible of Robert infers that she is the mother, but there is no legal document supporting the fact.  There is also no fact to counter that assumption.

          Son, Robert, is named in the Will
          The wife of Robert is not mentioned anywhere

Grandchildren named in distribution
          John Smilie
          William Smilie
          Robert P. Smilie
          Mary Smilie married to George Shallenberger
          James P. Smilie
          Jane Smilie married to James Campbell
          David Smilie
          Marshall Smilie  

          Unnamed Smilie daughter married to unnamed Huston is inferred by the Will naming granddaughters, Jane Huston and Sarah Huston.  I have found no probate records for Mary Smilie and husband Joseph Huston.

Grandchildren named in distribution
          Jane Marshall
          Sarah Dawson

          Jane Smilie married to William Craig, both named in the Will.
          Grandson, John Smilie Craig, named in the Will.

Grandchildren named in distribution
          John S. Craig

[i] The Genius of Liberty, Uniontown, PA, Thursday, November 6, 1851, transcribed by Edward Black 1969 at the Uniontown Public Library.
[ii] Fayette County, Pennsylvania, “Will Book, Vol. 1, Book 1,” pp 286 – 289, will of John Smilie, 1813, Register of Wills Office, Uniontown.
[iii] Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Laws of 1852, “No. 211”, Digital Image, retrieved 20 Feb 2015
[iv] "Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994," images, FamilySearch 
(,268545101 images 346 & 347 of 648: accessed 26 February 2015), Fayette County Orphans' Court records June 1852 Vol 5 pp 59 & 61, Uniontown, Pennsylvania.
[v] Pennsylvania. Supreme Court. Pennsylvania State Reports Containing Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 22, “Smilie’s Estate”, 1855. Digital Image, Google Books retrieved 20 Feb 2015's%20Estate&f=false
[vi] Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Probate Files, Distribution to Heirs by Thomas D. Davidson, auditor, Register of Wills, Uniontown; 1969 photocopy in possession of Edward Black.

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